Here's why email marketing is not working!

Here's why email marketing is not working!

Email marketing is an excellent way to reach your target audience and boost your brand. But what if you tried it and it didn't work? Don't worry, we will tell you why email marketing is not working and what steps are required to fix it.

1. Too many emails -

Nobody likes tons of marketing emails, not even you. You must know the right number of emails to send if you want a good response from the target audience. Most successful marketers send email marketing campaigns every two weeks which is the right number!

2. Error in designing -

First Impression is the last impression they say and rightly so! You should design your email in such a way that it looks good on a smartphone as 90 percent of all email is viewed on mobiles.

3. Lack of planning -

If you fail to plan then you have planned to fail. What you lack is the right strategy. This can be facilitated by having a clear understanding of your audience and the type of content they require.

Establish an average for the number of subscribers, opens, clicks, leads, and sales. Monitor email marketing campaign analytics and make necessary adjustments.

4. Lack of trust -

Instead of using a "no-reply" or generic email address as the reply address, use a real email address. A person is more likely to trust an email address that includes their name. You should add links to your social media accounts so that recipients can see that you are active online.

At last, you should connect with professionals for the right guidance to boost your brand. MDGCI is the one-stop solution for all your problems! Contact us today to know about such strategies and move ahead in the marketing industry smoothly.