Public Relations

MDGCI creates and maintains a positive brand image and a strong relationship with your target audience by using media and other direct and indirect means as part of a specialised communication plan.

Our PR Services

MDGCI ensures that its clients are front and centre in the media by keeping an eye on the latest trends and news. Mdgci is a full-service public relations firm that specialises in developing strategic campaigns in such a way that it increases your brand awareness as well as your clients.

  • Reputation management
  • Our team will consider initial strategy and persona definition when deciding on the best social media outlets to expand and engage an audience.

  • Crisis management
  • Are you facing a crisis? We ensure that all of our clients maintain their positive reputations over the long term because we are aware of how reputation influences the growth and stability of every organisation.

  • Media Relations
  • Our good connections with various media profiles help us in creating a positive reputation for brands all over the place.

  • Content marketing
  • The content marketers at MDGCI, enable you to communicate your brand's message consistently across various digital channels, such as blogs and social media sites.

  • Event marketing
  • We can assist you in transforming a typical evening or day into a memorable occasion complete with all the props needed for a fruitful marketing campaign. It will provide your company a chance to interact with the relevant audience and create a memorable event for your business.

  • Strategy development
  • After we have laid the groundwork, we will collaborate with you to identify precisely what you are attempting to accomplish and to build a PR plan that will guarantee that we are communicating with the appropriate audiences.

  • Social media marketing
  • In the cutthroat world of online purchasing, no company or brand can thrive without having a significant presence on social networking sites. Our team designs social media marketing strategies that help the business increase sales and profits. In a nutshell, you need us!