Types of Digital Marketing

Types of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is an effective strategy for generating a significant audience and engagement for any business. There are multiple digital marketing services. Let's check which internet marketing is ideal for your business.

1. Content Marketing

The goal of content in online marketing is to build a relationship with the target audience by providing them with relevant, high-quality information regularly.


  • It lets you connect with the audience through fun learning formats likeblogs and article
  • It is free of cost strategy.


  • It comparatively takes longer to see observable results in the business.
  • The algorithm of Google is constantly changing according to the trend, soit gets tricky to track new content all the time.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO increases the visibility of your website when customers search for products or services associated with your business on Google or other search engines. The keywords used in SEO promote your content to appear in the top search results.


  • It helps you gain organic traffic on your website.
  • It increases your brand visibility.


  • SEO strategies should be updated regularly, according to the new trends,to stay effective.
  • SEO demands constant investment to ensure effectiveness and yieldpositive outcomes.

3. Search Engine Marketing

SEM is an effective digital marketing strategy in the form of paid advertisements that aim to increase the online visibility of your business website. It is also known as pay-per-click (PPC). Here, marketers pay each time a user clicks one of their ads.


  • It provides instantaneous results compared to the long process of SEO. 2. It helps you filter out the audience, and you can target people based on categories like location, gender, socioeconomic class etc.


  • 1. It gets expensive to target popular keywords, and you need to paycontinuously.
  • 2. Due to the increasing competition of companies, the cost of popularkeywords rises, making it challenging to obtain higher ROI.

4. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is currently at the pinnacle of digital marketing as it can broaden your audience by interacting with the current audience of influencers/affiliates. It involves a collaboration between a brand and an internet influencer who promotes one of their goods or services.


  • 1. Influencers have already established connections and trust with theiraudience, which helps you to market your brand to an actively engaged audience.
  • 2. You don't have to spend time or money to find an audience who willindulge in your brand. With relevant influencers, you can target people who are already interested in your niche.


  • 1. You sometimes have to pay a huge amount to influencers, and theoutcome might still not be satisfactory.
  • 2. The distrust among influencers is rising, so you should be very consciouswhile selecting influencers for your brand marketing.

5. Email Marketing

Email marketing is a type of online marketing that can inform your customers about new product releases, discounts, special events and other services through email.


  • 1. Users get compelled to take action against an email, such as archiving ordeleting it, as it sits in their inbox.
  • 2. It does not get changed with the new algorithms of Google.


  • 1. There is a comparatively lesser population who engage in email marketing.
  • 2. The emails go to spam after the inbox gets full.

6. Mobile Marketing

The form of internet marketing service that uses mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, to advertise goods and services is known as mobile marketing.


  • 1. Mobile marketing as an online marketing service is much easier to access.
  • 2. Customers can be targeted at any given time, no matter where they are.


  • 1. Mobile marketing gives slower ROI as they have low click rates. 2. People are not much interested and detest interruptions while communicating on mobile.

7. Video Marketing

Video marketing is the top choice for all digital marketing agencies. It is a reliable strategy as videos that are brief and to the point can attract viewers more quickly than texts.


  • 1. Images and videos can stay longer in users' memory.
  • 2. It creates an emotional connection with the audience and your messagegets delivered effectively.


  • 1. It can be a little complicated as you might need to invest in equipment andediting software.
  • 2. The process of video production will require more planning and time tocreate than other forms of marketing content.

8. Audio Marketing

A wide range of data can be advertised through audio marketing in form of jingles, scores, and podcasts. It is an excellent form of digital marketing strategy as people prefer these while working out or doing other routine stuff.


  • 1. It is an affordable way to reach a larger population.
  • 2. Through audio marketing, it gets easy to grab the attention of the busypopulation.


  • 1. While other digital marketing approaches appeal to multiple senses, radiocan only have an audible influence on your target.
  • 2. As people are busy with something else, you don't always get the requiredresponse.

The best digital marketing agency can provide you with a pool of strategies. Choose your digital marketing agency wisely and upllift your brand effectively.